A Colour Atlas of Avian Anatomy
Book by J. McLelland
There is considerable interest today in birds whether as food producers, as models for biological research. or simply

The book is aimed primarily at those engaged in university studies, veterinary practice. meat inspection and research, but it is also hoped that it will be of interest to ornithologists and bird-watchers. The book is concerned principally with the economically important species but where their anatomy significantly differs, the more common cage birds are dealt with.
The choice of material is determined by the author”s experience over the years in research and in university teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and reflects the needs of veterinary surgeons as well as covering topics of general biological interest. Most of the 309 photographs are of fresh, unfixed material: 49 have been taken with the aid of a dissecting microscope.
Download: Essentials of Avian Medicine and Surgery 3rd Edition
Light micrographs and scanning electron micrographs have been included when they enhance understanding. Scale bars are used only when they are thought to be of positive value. The photographs are accompanied by a short text which aims both to identify the various features and also to explain their function. For additional information the reader is directed to the ‘Further reading’ list at the end of the book.
The book is planned basically around certain body systems including the integument and skeleton, and the digestive, urogenital and respiratory tracts. Lymphoid tissue, blood vessels and nerves are dealt with as they occur in association with these systems. In some instances a straight topographical approach is taken. as in the description of the peritoneum and peritoneal cavities.
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