Anatomy and Histology of the Laboratory Rat in Toxicology and Biomedical Research presents the detailed systematic anatomy of the rat, with a focus on toxicological needs.
Anatomy and Histology of the Laboratory Rat in Toxicology and Biomedical Research

Most large works dealing with the laboratory rat provide a chapter on anatomy, but fall far short of the detailed account in this book which also focuses on the needs of toxicologists and others who use the rat as a laboratory animal. The book includes detailed guides on dissection methods and the location of specific tissues in specific organ systems. Crucially, the book includes classic illustrations from Miss H. G. Q. Rowett, along with new color photo-micrographs.
Anatomy and Histology of the Laboratory Rat in Toxicology and Biomedical Research
Written by two of the top authors in their fields, this book can be used as a reference guide and teaching aid for students and researchers in toxicology. In addition, veterinary/medical students, researchers who utilize animals in biomedical research, and researchers in zoology, comparative anatomy, physiology and pharmacology will find this book to be a great resource.
In this book we have tried to provide an introduction to the anatomy and histology of one small mammal, the rat. The rat, and its relative the mouse, are the most widely used experimental animals and many research workers and trainees need to be familiar with these species. We have assumed that the reader wishes to learn by practical experience: our approach is based on dissection and on the preparation of histological sections. Our earlier book, ‘Histological Techniques: An introduction for beginners in toxicology’ deals with techniques in some detail. In our descriptions of dissections we have stressed both anatomical points and the techniques applied in post-mortem examination of experimental animals.
Illustrated with over a hundred black and white and color images to assist understanding contains detailed descriptions and explanations to accompany all images helping with self-study designed for toxicologic research for people from diverse backgrounds including biochemistry, pharmacology, physiology, immunology, and general biomedical sciences.
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