Animal Physiologic Surgery 2nd Edition


Animal Physiologic Surgery 2nd Edition

By C. Max Lang, Published: 1982, FileType: PDF

Animal Physiologic Surgery 2nd Edition

Animal Physiologic Surgery 2nd Edition PDF, This second edition of Animal Physiologic Surgery presents an integrated introduction to surgery for students in all of the health sciences. As with the first, this edition introduces the novice to surgery using the animal model, and emphasizes the relation of surgery to physiologic function. The book begins with a practical introduction to sterile technique and instrumentation, then develops the student’s familiarity with basic surgical skills, and progresses to procedures requiring some proficiency and inter­ pretation.

While all of the procedures involve a degree of complexity, our experience has shown that beginning students are capable of handling these exercises as we have presented them. We have expanded and revised the section covering surgical technique in response to the many useful and encouraging comments we received on the first edition. In addition, the section on clinical procedures and laboratory techniques has been reorgan­ized to include a chapter on emergency and resuscitative procedures. Nutritional and Physiological Functions of Amino Acids in Pigs

By emphasizing the physiologic responses to disease states and to surgical intervention, we not only convey an understanding of surgery’s potential and limitations, but also point out the student’s responsibility for providing the best possible pre-, intra-, and postoperative care. The section on laboratory procedures is designed to provide further insight into the body’s physiology in a clinical context. I am grateful to the contributors for their close cooperation, especially Dr.

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