Arthur’s Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics 8th Edition Book PDF. It is with great pleasure that we dedicate the 8th edition of Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics to Professor Geoffrey Arthur, initially the sole, and subsequently senior author who successfully husbanded five previous editions of the book from ‘conception to parturition’.
Arthur’s Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics 8th Edition Book PDF

It is in recognition of the outstanding contributions that he has made to the subject over the last 50 years. He has influenced, either directly or indirectly, the professional lives of all of the contributors. Although this will have been primarily in his role as a dedicated and stimulating clinical teacher, it is also because he was one of the first clinical researchers in veterinary reproduction; this will be recognised by readers of the book by the frequent reference to his published work.
We are sad that the late Professor Harold Pearson was unable to contribute to this 8th Edition. He was one of the outstanding clinical teachers of the last 40 years, his writings were based on his vast experience as a clinician working at the Bristol Veterinary School as shown by his substantial contributions to the literature including previous editions of this book.
In addition, we would also like to express our thanks to Wendy Lee who did an excellent job as Copy Editor, and Sheila Black and Scott Millar of Harcourt Publishers for their hard work and courteous professionalism in producing the 8th Edition of the book.
Inevitably, as we complete the revision of the 8th Edition, thought must be given to a 9th Edition in the not-to-distant-future. With the vast expansion in the knowledge base in the subject, and bearing in mind that the principal target for the book is the veterinary undergraduate, we will need to decide whether we can continue to enlarge both the length and the scope of the book or whether we must review its format.
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