This new edition of T.W. Perry’s Beef Cattle Feeding and Nutrition 2nd Edition classic reference provides both updated, and new information on the feeding and nutritional requirements of beef cattle, from breeding [or growing] to finishing.
Beef Cattle Feeding and Nutrition 2nd Edition

Beef cattle production is indeed an exciting discipline wherever it can be followed in this world. In the United States, the sale of cattle for beef is the number one source of income to agriculture by a wide margin.
Type and style of beef cattle may change for a time, and thus several extreme types have appeared. Therefore, the author has no sections whatsoever on breeds or types because such sections get out of date too quickly, and thus they would appear to “date” such a text too rapidly.
Nutrition and management are based on the best interpretations of scientific facts and the application of such facts. Therefore, even though changes are occurring in the nutrition and management of beef cattle, in general they tend to be more gradual. Because this text contains the latest scientific findings, such information remains intact until newer and more refined knowledge has been obtained.
All the critical components of diet are dealt with: vitamins, minerals, protein, silage, etc. The different nutritional needs of breeding cattle are also detailed. Thoroughly updated to help ranchers and feedlot managers maximize yield and efficiency, this Second Edition should be on the shelves of all those involved with beef cattle herd management and production.
In order to compete with other types of meat, beef cattle producers must meet the challenge of producing wholesome meat. It seems that consumers purchase a growing but finite amount of animal protein each year. If the consumption of one type of meat increases significantly, the consumption of another type of meat probably will decline. Beef cattle nutrition, genetics, and physiology practices have improved greatly in the past decade or two, enabling beef producers to compete with other types of meat for the consumer’s purchases. It is to the advantage of the cattle producers to use newer techniques of producing and marketing beef.
This second edition of Beef Cattle Feeding and Nutrition embraces and includes the very latest in production techniques, which will enable cattle producers to continue to produce highly desirable beef as economically as possible.
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