This book Behavior Problems of the Dog and Cat 3rd Edition is designed to provide the veterinarian in general practice with the tools to help owners with concerns they might have about their pets’ behavior.
Behavior Problems of the Dog and Cat 3rd Edition

Most importantly, it helps veterinarians incorporate behavior consultations into their practices in a meaningful way, and utilizes hospital paraprofessional staff to their optimum. Not only does the book introduce topics such as learning theory and behavior modification techniques, but it also covers the diagnostic and therapeutic options for the successful management of behavior problems. In this edition, we not only address neuropharmacology and psychoactive drug activity, but also examine important training techniques and nutritional intervention, and explore alternative forms of therapy. Another important focus of this edition is the importance that regular veterinary care plays in maintaining not only the health but also the behavior and welfare of the pet.
To this end a new chapter is devoted to making veterinary visits a positive experience and how best to manage pets that are fearful. In addition, we have expanded our focus on the role that behavior plays in the health of pets and the importance of behavioral monitoring. Throughout the text we have included cases to illustrate real-life clinical situations. To illustrate the principles best and because of veterinary–client confidentiality, our case examples are composite representatives of our caseload rather than actual clinical cases.
To be successful in managing behavior problems, veterinarians must offer more help than just training the pet. The proper approach to behavioral problems does not differ significantly from any other medical discipline. One needs to evaluate patient history carefully, perform a thorough physical examination, formulate differential diagnoses, conduct diagnostic testing, initiate treatment options, and monitor the patient’s responses. Let this book serve as your guide.
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