Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Practice Management Consult, 2nd Edition has been extensively updated and expanded, with 55 new topics covering subjects such as online technologies, hospice care, mobile practices, compassion fatigue, practice profitability, and more.
Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Practice Management Consult 2nd Edition

Carefully formatted using the popular Five-Minute Veterinary Consult style, the book offers fast access to authoritative information on all aspects of practice management. This Second Edition is an essential tool for running a practice, increasing revenue, and managing staff in today’s veterinary practice.
Addressing topics ranging from client communication and management to legal issues, financial management, and human resources, the book is an invaluable resource for business management advice applicable to veterinary practice. Sample forms and further resources are now available on a companion website. Veterinarians and practice managers alike will find this book a comprehensive yet user-friendly guide for success in today’s challenging business environment.
This book was designed to help provide a valuable resource for veterinarians on all things management related, from understanding the marketplace in which we practice, to appreciating where money flows into a practice and where it flows out. It is an appropriate source of information for practice owners, administrators, associates, and staff. Whether you want to know how to price a service, how to market it, how to prevent embezzlement, or the meaning of the term “shrinkage” as it applies to inventory, you’ll find it within the pages of this book.
The veterinary marketplace has changed dramatically from only a few decades ago. Pets are considered as family members, more so than at any time in the past. The gender distribution within the profession has also changed dramatically, which has in turn altered the demographics not only of veterinary school classes, but also of the profession in general. Specialization within the profession has become more commonplace and the creation of specialty and referral hospitals has been robust across the country. Corporate practices are starting to come into their own, and some are even spreading outside the confines of American borders. Benchmarks are available, so practices can now compare their own financial statistics with those of other practices in their region.
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