Bovine Surgery and Lameness 3rd Edition PDF


Bovine Surgery and Lameness 3rd Edition PDF. Having discarded the prefaces of the first two editions of “Bovine Surgery and Lameness”, the third edition has some changes in its format.

Bovine Surgery and Lameness 3rd Edition PDF

Bovine Surgery And Lameness 3rd Edition PDF

However, the emphasis of this paperback, designed to be available in the car for easy access (rather than gathering dust on the practice bookshelf), has the same aims as its predecessors. It should give the “nuts and bolts” or “how to . . .” of the previous editions. It has an additional author, Owen Atkinson, a dairy consultant veterinarian who has over twenty years experience of intensive dairy cattle practice in England. Owen has completely rewritten the lameness chapter, and has also reorganised the introductory sections to give greater emphasis to supportive therapy and certain selected diagnostic procedures.

Other changes include expansion of the surgical management of abomasal disorders to include laparoscopic techniques introduced into veterinary medicine over the last 15 years. These techniques have been clarified by greater use of line drawings, that were appreciated in the second edition. Three such line drawings illustrate the front cover.

As well as ethical considerations, the problems of the economic viability of any surgical intervention in cattle must be carefully assessed. The importance of sterile surgical packs, effective anaesthesia and asepsis cannot be overemphasized. Failures in operative procedures in cattle lead to a natural reluctance by farmers to agree to repeat such operations. The attention today (2018) on the worldwide attempts to reduce antibiotic usage is also relevant to bovine surgery, where effective asepsis often makes postoperative antibiotic cover unnecessary.

Despite this book often describing the surgical correction of conditions once they occur, the reader is encouraged to make efforts to prevent problems, such as an unacceptable incidence of displaced abomasum cases, or of digital dermatitis. Whilst other books, (see further reading section) are able to explore preventive measures in greater depth, we have included in this edition some discussion boxes to promote a preventive approach.

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