Canine and Feline Haematology and Transfusion Medicine


The first edition of the Manual of Canine and Feline Haematology and Transfusion Medicine was a leader in its field, and this new edition has been eagerly awaited.

Canine and Feline Haematology and Transfusion Medicine

Canine And Feline Haematology And Transfusion Medicine

The basic principles of haematology, which form the core of the Manual, have been updated to include new diagnostic procedures and new treatment strategies. New authors provide a fresh perspective on some topics and there are new chapters on anaemia of inflammation and neoplasia, non-regenerative anaemia, and vascular thrombosis.

Arthropod-transmitted infectious diseases of companion animals are increasingly significant, reflected in updated chapters on leishmaniosis, babesiosis, monocytic ehrlichiosis and anaplasmosis, where haematological analysis is part of the first line of diagnosis. Another area in which there have been significant advances since the first edition is feline haemoplasmosis, and a completely revised chapter provides the latest information on these infectious agents.

The section on transfusion medicine has been reorganized and expanded, with stand-alone chapters on canine and feline blood groups and transfusion. A new chapter considers the use of blood substitutes.

The author panel is comprised of internationally recognized specialists from Europe, North America, the Middle-East and Australia. These have worked together with the Editors to produce an essential
book for the veterinary practice.

This unique book, written by specialists from the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia and South Africa, bridges the disciplines of clinical pathology, internal medicine and critical care in a single volume.

Download More: Haematology of Australian Mammals

The Manual is divided into three sections: haematology, haemostasis and transfusion medicine. Within each section, review chapters are augmented by contributions on selected topics of interest to the practitioner.

Methods of sample collection and interpretation for routine haematology, haemostatic function and bone marrow analysis are reviewed and new developments, such as flow cytometry for typing leukaemias, outlined. The diagnosis and management of a range of major infectious, immune-mediated and neoplastic diseases of the haematopopietic system are discussed. A chapter on canine babesiosis is timely, given the recent reports of cases in the UK, and a chapter is also included on the feline pathogen Haemobartonella felis.

A wealth of excellent colour photographs throughout the book illustrates cell types and abnormalities, plus techniques such as blood transfusion.

The range of coverage and the practical information in this Manual will render it of great value in the practice setting.

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