Canine and Feline Nutrition 3 Edition, describes the role of nutrition and its effects upon health and wellness and the dietary management of various disorders of dogs and cats.
Canine and Feline Nutrition 3 Edition

Humans have a long and very complex history of association with dogs and cats. This relationship has its roots in domestication and has evolved to exist today in a vast variety of forms. Both the dog and the cat originally served a number of functions for humans. While some dogs and cats still fulfill these roles, the primary reason that most people share their lives with dogs and cats today is companionship.
In recent years, scientific studies of human-animal interactions have revealed that these relationships are important and enduring components of many pet owners’ lives. Pet ownership has also been shown to provide numerous physiological and psychological benefits. Keeping companion animals has become a national pastime, and providing proper care to dogs and cats is of great interest and concern to both pet owners and professionals who work with these animals.
This new edition of Canine and Feline Nutrition has been reorganized into five sections. These address basic principles of nutrition; nutrient requirements of dogs and cats; pet food production and selection; feeding management throughout the life cycle; and the dietary management of nutritionally responsive disorders. Current research is reviewed, and balanced discussions of different approaches to dietary management are presented. Comparisons between the nutrient requirements and feeding practices of dogs and cats are addressed throughout the book.
In order to facilitate use by readers with a wide range of backgrounds and interests, illustrative tables and boxes are included; these present technical material at a level that can be of practical use. The third edition includes more than 30 new tables and figures. Newly structured Key Points are located prominently throughout the text to emphasize important learning points in each chapter. References now follow each chapter (rather than sections) to allow easy reference. The third edition also includes two new chapters and numerous added sections within existing chapters.
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