Canine and Feline Theriogenology
By Johnston Shirley D. et al. in 2001,
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Canine and Feline Theriogenology is the only comprehensive, up-to-date textbook on small animal reproduction available. Veterinary management of normal reproduction and reproductive disorders in the male and female dog and cat are covered in detail, including such topics as sexual differentiation and normal anatomy, breeding management, use of chilled and frozen semen, pregnancy and parturition, neonatal care, clinical approach to infertility, and diseases of each of the reproductive organs.
Some chapters of Canine and Feline Theriogenology address the pet overpopulation problem in the United States and approaches to population control in these species. This book is an invaluable resource to veterinarians, veterinary students, and others interested in companion animal reproduction.
This book reflects our commitment to reproductive health of the dog and cat. The theriogenologist fulfills the charge of the Veterinarian’s Oath to protect animal health and relieve animal suffering by learning normal reproductive physiology, understanding pathogenesis and treatment of reproductive disease, promoting sound reproduction in some patients and preventing reproduction safely in others.
We are as committed to addressing the pet overpopulation problem in the United States with safe, effective contraception, as we are to furthering the understanding of how to improve and enhance reproductive performance. While promoting an expanded knowledge of normal reproductive physiology (learning from our patients), we also applaud advances in assisted reproduction (learning from our colleagues) with procedures such as artificial insemination with chilled and frozen semen, trans-cervical insemination, gamete cryopreservation, and in-vitro fertilization. We believe that every puppy and kitten born should have the best health, the best care, and the best opportunity for a good life, and are proud to be part of a profession that works to those ends.
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