Ectoparasites are the organisms which live on the external surface or skin of the animal for food and shelter.ectoparasites treatmentMostly are controlled on a flock/herd wide basis. This means that when one animal is diagnosed with external parasites, a dip, dust, or spray is used to treat the ...
African horse sickness, viral disease of horses
African Horse Sickness (AHS) is a profoundly irresistible highly infectious, vector conceived viral ailment influencing all types of Equidae. It is named an Orbivirus of family Reoviridae, of which there are 9 serotypes. All serotypes are conveyed all through Africa, ...
Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA), otherwise called SWAMP fever is a horse sickness brought about by a retrovirus and transmitted by bloodsucking creepy crawlies.timeincukvirus is mechanically transmitted starting with one horse then onto the next by the bloodsucking flies, Tabanus, Stomoxys spp., ...