Clinical Immunodermatology in Small Animals


Clinical Immunodermatology in Small Animals

 by Carlos Vich Cordón, Fernando Fariñas Guerrero, October 2016, FileType: PDF

Clinical Immunodermatology In Small Animals

Servet presents this innovative work written by two specialists in the field. A unique feature of this book is that it takes a holistic approach to the fields of dermatology and immunology, rather than approaching them as distinct subjects. In this way, different dermatoses are presented considering the corresponding immunological, immunopathological, and immunophysiological features. The combination of the two subjects makes this work an indispensable tool for readers, providing them with guidelines to tackle each pathology that are unique within the current literature.

The rate of progress in immunology and the application of the knowledge acquired in human and veterinary medicine is revolutionising the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. Careful reflection reveals that the vast majority of diseases that affect both humans and animals have a fundamental immunological component: infections, allergies, autoimmune conditions, acute and chronic inflammatory conditions, cancer, etc. Exploring Animal Behavior in Laboratory and Field, 2nd Edition

Another very important area of clinical immunology is the subspecialty known as clinical immunodermatology. Anyone who practices dermatology will know that the vast majority, if not all, conditions that they deal with are predominantly immune-mediated. Perhaps this is why immunomodulatory/immunosuppressive drugs are used more in dermatology than in almost any other field.

For this reason, in Clinical Immunodermatology in Small Animals we have specifically focused on basic immune-mediated skin diseases which, in my opinion, constitute 100% of cutaneous pathologies, a claim that has both supporters and detractors.

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