For over 20 years, the first edition of this book provided veterinary students and pathologists with an invaluable fast and structured survey of the complete field of veterinary pathology.
Color Atlas of Veterinary Pathology 2nd Edition

Now in its second edition, the authors have thoroughly revised, updated and added to both images and text, with the focus still on domestic animals. Each chapter now begins with a short, descriptive text on each body system covered in the atlas. It supports understanding of disease and disease processes by visualizing how cellular pathology, inflammation, circular disturbance and neoplasia are expressed in the different organs and tissues. For this purpose it demonstrates the general morphological reactions of organs and tissues using examples from specific veterinary pathology.
Unique and internationally recognized color atlas in veterinary pathology Organized by body systems for easily accessible information Now with 600 high quality illustrations Encompasses all species of domestic animals Takes a comparative approach which provides better understanding of the general mechanisms operating in the different organs Short, comprehensive introductions to every chapter, describing the main patterns of reactivity of each organ and tissue New color photographs enhance the content and provide a better quality photograph from which to learn.Revised descriptions of photographs clearly describe the pictures.
We are still conscious of the need to preserve the original aim of understanding disease and disease processes. In the first edition this was defined as demonstrating how cellular pathology, inflammation, circular disturbance and neoplasia are expressed in the different organs and tissues. For this purpose again we have used examples of specific veterinary pathology without trying to give a survey of all the different diseases possible. To make this more clear the title of this revised edition has been extended with ‘General morphological reactions of organs and tissues’. As this book is also intended to be used by students, we have added comprehensive general introductions to the different organs and organ systems. Finally, much new material has been presented, while the number of photographs has been enlarged.
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