Crackdown Against Spurious Khalbanola Pakistan


Crackdown Against Spurious Khalbanola Pakistan


Crackdown Against Spurious Khalbanola Pakistan

Crackdown Against Spurious Khalbanola Pakistan

Crackdown Against Spurious Khalbanola Pakistan:

Rotten cake, infected Roti Tukra and corn with high mycotoxin level can cause disease in animals and as a result the milk production decreases. These can even lead to death of the infected animal. For the

better health and high milk production, animals should be provided with surplus green fodder and aflatoxin free Wanda from a certified company.

As a consequence the department not only initiated this campaign to launch a drive against individuals or companies producing or selling this hazardous material. The Government of Punjab has also passed legislation in this regard “The Punjab Animal Feed Stuff and Compound Feed Act 2016” to regulate this sector of animal feed in the province.


Livestock Punjab.

Attached documents:

Khalbanola Report Uptil June 2017 Px5t3

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