Current Therapy in Equine Reproduction 1st Edition, Written by- Juan C. Samper, Jonathan Pycock, Angus O. McKinnon in 2006.
Current Therapy in Equine Reproduction 1st Edition

Offering the most current insights on horse breeding, this book covers the entire reproductive system, normal and abnormal mare physiology, and a wide range of reproductive problems commonly seen in both the mare and stallion. Coverage includes advanced reproductive techniques, with numerous breeding strategies to help you achieve optimal fertility rates.Features the most current information available on equine reproduction, including the latest therapies and treatments for breeding dysfunction, as well as advances in reproductive techniques Focuses on therapy and treatment to provide practitioners with quick access to key information Features the shared experience and valuable advice of world-renowned experts who have first-hand knowledge of which treatments and therapies are most effective.
Our purpose in creating Current Therapy in Equine Reproduction is to provide practicing veterinarians, veterinary students, and equine breeding managers with a succinct and contemporary source of information regarding the equine reproductive process. As implied by the words “current therapy,” this text offers the most up-to-date information on diagnosis and management of all facets of horse breeding.
We cannot stress how important proper breeding management is to ensure the success of a breeding operation. Managing the reproduction problems of mares and stallions properly can and will enhance their fertility, whereas mismanagement can reduce fertility even in normal mares and stallions.
The book is divided into eight sections, but basically covers the mare and the stallion and problems with each. Section I covers the normal reproductive system of the mare, and Section II addresses female reproductive problems. Sections III and IV focus on the stallion with normal reproductive system and then reproductive problems. Section V is all about semen collection and evaluation, and Section VI moves into the topic of assisted reproductive techniques. Section VII is devoted to successful breeding strategies for the pregnant mare. The last section wraps up with a discussion of the postpartum breeding mare and any problems or complications that might arise.
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