Current Therapy in Large Animal Theriogenology Volume 2 is a continuation of the long-standing tradition of providing a theriogenology text that summarizes the reproductive information available for the large animal species.
Current Therapy in Large Animal Theriogenology Volume 2

Included in this text are the equine, bovine, caprine, ovine, swine, camelid, and deer. The veterinary practitioner as well as students and academic clinicians will find this an excellent reference for their quest for knowledge.
Until recently, the importance of theriogenology to the veterinary practitioner was often overlooked, because their situation was usually not life threatening except perhaps for obstetrics or severe uterine infections. However, today its relevance to the livestock producer and large animal companion owner has become more significant. Owners demand more from their veterinarians with respect to technology and procedures such as embryo trans-fer, oocyte fertilization, semen freezing, shipped semen, timed inseminations, maintained reproductive performance, and so forth. These topics and more are addressed with the latest in pertinent information.
Veterinary students and academic clinicians will likewise find this textbook very informative and an invaluable aid in both their classroom and clinical work. The information presented for each species includes reproductive anatomy, physiology, methods of pregnancy diagnosis, breeding soundness examinations, surgical procedures, obstetrical procedures, and other theriogenology techniques that would be appropriate for various conditions.
Chapters are specifically devoted to each of the numerous species addressed herein. The material for this textbook was drawn from the expertise of many professionals for the benefit of its readers. We wish you only EXCELLENCE!
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