Current Therapy in Reptile Medicine and Surgery. Current Therapy in Reptile Medicine and Surgery is a valuable reference that emphasizes topics of real clinical relevance in reptile and amphibian medicine.
Current Therapy in Reptile Medicine and Surgery

With details on therapeutic regimens, this text also features coverage of infectious diseases, anesthesia, surgery, and advances in biology and conservation. Colorful illustrations showcase exotic animals, and numerous tables and figures provide quick access to essential information.
Selected topics of real clinical significance from the latest veterinary scientific literature explore today’s reptile and amphibian practice.A discussion of the most current theory and practical applications of diagnostic endoscopy in reptiles provides insight into minimally-invasive endoscopic procedures, including biopsy techniques.
Expert contributors combine forces to bring you the most cutting-edge information available, offering authoritative and sometimes controversial opinions in particular areas.Expert contributors offer the most current thoughts on diagnosing new and emerging diseases, including a thorough review of molecular diagnostics.The latest therapeutics are discussed, and the most up-to-date formulary and library of normal clinical pathology values is provided.The most current and comprehensive discussion of amphibian medicine in print in the last decade!
This current edition of Reptile Medicine and Surgery was conceived during the 2011 North American Veterinary Conference in the speaker ready room at the Marriott World Center. Doug Mader approached Steve Divers and asked “What do you think about co-editing a new edition of Reptile Medicine and Surgery with me?” Steve, without really thinking it through, responded, “Great, count me in!”
It’s amazing how a brief moment of excitement starts something that consumes a lot of your time for the foresee-able future. Later that week, we talked it over and sat down with Penny Rudolph of Elsevier to discuss the idea. It quickly became apparent that the vast majority of the content within the second edition was still as relevant today as it was when it was first published in 2006. Therefore, this new book could not be a replacement but rather a companion to that second edition, hence the Current Therapy concept. Current Therapy in Reptile Medicine and Surgery should, most definitely, sit right alongside the second edition on your bookshelf—if you don’t have a second edition then your herpetologic library will remain incomplete.
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