Dairy Microbiology and Biochemistry: Recent Developments, Dairy industry is the largest sector of the food industry in many countries. Much scientific research has been dedicated to the development of milk and dairy products, especially dairy microbiology and biochemistry.
Dairy Microbiology and Biochemistry: Recent Developments

The amount and variety of dairy products are also increasing, and the technology is improving. This has brought about changes both in the range of, and handling of milk products which provided the motivation to produce this book. The basic philosophy behind this book is to provide readers with the newest scientific and legislative information regarding milk and dairy products with specific emphasis on food safety.
The book contains 16 chapters written by distinguished authors in their own field. Chapter 1 deals with the microbiology of raw milk and role of milking practices including animal health and welfare, and post-milking treatments to milk on the microbiological quality of raw milk. Chapters 2 and 9 give an overview on dairy starter technology and probiotic dairy products’ technology, respectively. Chapters 3 and 4 provide brief information about the genetic properties of lactic acid bacteria that are widely employed in the manufacture of dairy products and bio-preservation by lactic acid bacteria, respectively. Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 11 are dedicated to the microbiology of dairy products including cheese, fermented milks, powdered and concentrated milks, ice cream, etc.
Functional ingredients that are indigenously present in milk and milk products and/or are formed during and/or after processing of milk are discussed in Chapter 12 in detail. The demand for minimally processed foods has been increasing all over the world. This trend has also affected dairy industry. Chapter 13 covers this aspect. It provides an overview of the non-thermal technologies used in the production of dairy products with specific emphasis on microbial safety of the end products. Chapters 14 and 15 are dedicated to the microbial safety systems for dairy processing and rapid detection of pathogenic microorganisms in dairy products, respectively. The last chapter compares the current regulations in microbial quality control of milk and dairy products that are in effect in various countries including EU, Russia and Japan.
The book is primarily intended for use by those who are involved in dairy research and processing in academia and industry as well as undergraduate, graduate students in dairy science and technology. It is not an easy task to bring individual chapters together to produce a book, but the quality of the contributions has made the editorial function a pleasure, and our sincere gratitude is extended to all those concerned.
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