Detection of Water Adulteration in milk
Water is added to milk to build the volume of milk. The addition of water weakens the components of milk. The addition of water in the milk is an unlawful practice and it is viewed as adulteration as it makes the milk unwholesome. It changes the entire composition of the milk and enzymatic action of the milk likewise goes down.

thiswesternlife: Water Adulteration In Milk
Detection of Added Water in the Milk:
Certain procedures and techniques are utilized to recognize this adulteration and are given below:
Lactometer method:
This is an old strategy and it enlightens us regarding the specific gravity of the milk. Specific gravity goes down when we include water into the milk. The disadvantage of this technique is that it just gives the outcome when we include water over 10%.
Refractive index method:
Rays of different wavelength are passed via the body of the milk and are absorbed from the other side.For this purpose, Zeiss Immersion Refractometer is used by a Germen company; it has a digital display.