Differential Diagnosis in Small Animal Medicine Free PDF Download. The first edition of this book was written by Alex Gough to fill a gap in the market.
Differential Diagnosis in Small Animal Medicine
The aim was to provide a ready list of differential diagnoses to assist in the investigation of challenging medical cases, and the sales of the book would suggest this was a success.
This second edition has been co-authored by Alex Gough and Kate Murphy. Content has been reviewed and expanded where needed and some sections have been removed. This book provides a ready reference for differential diagnoses for the majority of medical presentations that are encountered in general practice, including both common and uncommon conditions. This text should be of use to veterinary students, general practitioners, veterinary interns, residents and anyone who cannot fully carry these lists around in their heads. We hope clinicians find it useful.
The differential diagnosis list is one of the most important aspects of the problem-oriented approach to clinical diagnosis. For those who are not familiar with the problem-oriented approach, a brief outline follows.
As the name implies, problem-oriented medical management (POMM) concentrates on the individual problems of a patient. A differential diagnosis list should be made for each and every problem that is found in a patient, whether in the history, the physical examination, imaging or clinicopathological tests.
Although superficially this may not sound very ‘holistic’, in fact, if all the patient’s problems are considered individually, the whole patient will have been evaluated, without falling into the trap of presuming that all of the findings are caused by a single condition. Some problems are of course less specific and less emphasis is given to the problem solving on those signs, e.g. lethargy and inappetence in a vomiting, jaundiced pet.
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