District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries Part 1 & Part 2, the first edition of Part 1 District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries the essential role of the laboratory in providing a scientific foundation for district health care and improving the quality of health care to communities, has not changed.
District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries Part 1

The new challenges faced by health authorities however, have led to changes in laboratory practice and a greater emphasis on the need for reliable well managed district laboratories and their rational use in district health care.
In deciding the changes to be incorporated in the new edition of Part 1, the author and those who have helped with the revision have been guided by the views and requests of those using the book in their work and training programmes. The important chapters covering management, quality assurance, health and safety and equipping of district laboratories have been reviewed and updated where needed. For those with internet access and e-mail facilities, the details of equipment manufacturers now include website information and e-mail addresses.
Information on parasitic diseases and their control has been brought up to date. Current knowledge on HIV interaction with parasitic pathogens and new technologies to diagnose parasitic infections have been included. Immunochromatographic tests to diagnose malaria have been described, their limitations discussed, and information on the WHO malaria rapid diagnostic tests website included. Other parasite-related websites and a list of up to date references and recommended reading are given at the end of the parasitology chapter.
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District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries Part 2
Part 2 District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries in 2000, the work of many district laboratories continues to be dominated by the on-going HIV/AIDS pandemic, increases in the prevalence of tuberculosis and other HIV-related infections and more recently, the requirement for laboratory monitoring of antiretroviral therapy.
This new edition includes an update on HIV disease/AIDS, recently developed HIV rapid tests to diagnose HIV infection and screen donor blood, and current information on antiretroviral drugs and the laboratory monitoring of antiretroviral therapy.
Information on the epidemiology and laboratory investigation of other pathogens has also been brought up to date. Several new, rapid, simple to perform immunochromatographic tests to assist in the diagnosis of infectious diseases are described, including those for brucellosis, cholera, dengue, leptospirosis, syphilis and hepatitis. Recently developed IgM antibody tests to investigate typhoid fever are also described. The new classification of salmonellae has been introduced.
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