Elsevier’s Veterinary Assisting Textbook/Workbook 3rd Edition
By Margi Sirois, Year 2020, File Type: PDF

Master the role and responsibilities of the veterinary assistant! From respected veterinary educator Margi Sirois, Elsevier’s Veterinary Assisting Textbook 3rd Edition covers everything you need to know to pass the Approved Veterinary Assistant (AVA) exam and succeed in clinical practice.
With this comprehensive textbook students will learn to assist in laboratory and radiographic procedures, properly restrain animals, set up equipment and supplies, clean and maintain practice facilities, feed and exercise patients, collect samples, handle and dispense medications, groom patients, and record keeping. Updated content reflects the latest advances in veterinary assisting procedures, and new images illustrate key tasks.
- Comprehensive coverage provides details on the tasks performed by veterinary assistants, and covers everything you need to know to pass the Approved Veterinary Assistant (AVA) exam and succeed in clinical practice.
- Step-by-step instructions and hundreds of full-color photographs show veterinary assisting tasks and clarify key concepts.
- Information on office procedures and client relations prepares you to be involved in many of the business aspects of veterinary practice and to work closely with management staff.
- Coverage of the workflow in a veterinary practice helps you understand your role as well as the roles of all the other members of the veterinary health care team.
- Critical Concept boxes highlight important points and provide useful tips to improve your knowledge and skills.
- A student workbook provides activities to help you apply concepts to veterinary practice, including definitions of key terms, review questions, crossword puzzles, illustration labeling, sample cases, and clinical applications. Available separately. Get Now: Laboratory Manual for Laboratory Procedures for Veterinary Technicians 7th Edition
- NEW! Completely updated content throughout reflects the latest advances in veterinary assisting procedures for improved patient service.
- NEW! Fear-free handling coverage now included in Chapter 6: Animal Behavior and Restraint.
- NEW! Poultry Care section added to Chapter 13: Large Animal Nursing and Husbandry.
- NEW and UPDATED! Additional and revised images throughout accurately illustrate key veterinary assisting tasks.
Reinforce your understanding of veterinary assisting! Corresponding to the chapters in Elsevier’s Veterinary Assisting Textbook, 3rd Edition, by Margi Sirois, this workbook provides activities and exercises for additional review and practice of the tasks performed by veterinary assistants. With challenging review questions, sample cases, and more, it’s an excellent way to master the material and prepare for success on the AVA exam and in the veterinary clinic. Get Now: Veterinary Assisting Fundamentals & Applications
- Learning activities reinforce the essential information in each chapter of the textbook, including review questions, short essays, illustration labeling, matching questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, true-or-false questions, multiple-choice questions, crossword puzzles, and word searches.
- Learning objectives in each chapter help you focus on the material and concepts that you are expected to learn and how to apply them in the clinical setting.
- NEW! Updated activities and questions reflect the new content in Elsevier’s Veterinary Assisting Textbook, 3rd Edition.
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