Equine Embryo Transfer Book by Patrick M. McCue


Equine Embryo Transfer Book by Patrick M. McCue, The procedures outlined in this manual are based on a combination of basic science, applied research and clinical experience gained from the commercial embryo transfer program at Colorado State University.

Equine Embryo Transfer Book by Patrick M. McCue

Equine Embryo Transfer Book By McCue, Patrick M. Squires, Edward

In addition, techniques and procedures developed in other embryo transfer programs around the world have been incorporated where appropriate.

The goal of Equine Embryo Transfer manual is to provide veterinary practitioners and students with general principles and clinical techniques of equine embryo transfer. The authors recognize that there are many ways to successfully collect and transfer equine embryos.

It is our estimate that about 90% of procedures in equine embryo transfer performed world-wide are similar if not identical. The other 10% of procedures differ based on geographic location, clinical experience and individual preference and, in some cases unsubstantiated dogma.

It is our hope that experienced practitioners will find useful tips in this manual to enhance embryo collection success or post-transfer pregnancy rates. New graduates and current students may utilize the manual to gain a basic understanding of reproductive principles as well as clinical techniques.

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