Equine Pediatric Medicine, 2nd Edition By William V. Bernard, Bonnie S. Barr July 2018. This systematic yet concise guide to equine pediatric medicine covers etiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, differential diagnosis, diagnosis, and management.
Equine Pediatric Medicine, 2nd Edition

This is the second edition of Equine Pediatric Medicine. As with the first edition, our hope is to provide useful information to the equine practitioner and to students regarding problems in the equine pediatric patient. In addition to written text, this book includes tables, figures, and numerous photographs to illustrate details of specific diseases. The aim of this book is to provide the practitioner with the information needed to make a presumptive diagnosis from physical and clinical examination findings, to consider the relevant pathophysiology of the conditions detailed, to compile a list of differential diagnoses, to confirm the diagnosis with laboratory testing and advanced diagnostics, and to plan the therapeutic course to be taken.
Beginning with a thorough explanation of the physical examination, the chapters then take the reader through the different disorders associated with each body system, including liver, cardiovascular, respiratory, opthalmologic, endocrine, and muscoskeletal diseases. A brand new chapter on nutrition has been added to this fully revised text.
The book is superbly illustrated throughout with photographs, diagrams, radiographs and tables, while a new section of in-depth case studies brings the information to life. Equine practitioners will value this as a ready reference, while veterinary students and technicians can use it as a complete guide to equine pediatric disease.
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