Exploring Animal Behavior in Laboratory and Field, This is a fantastic and much-needed book. As a resource for someone setting up a laboratory course in animal behavior, this book is full of excellent ideas, and I would advise anyone to get a copy of this book.
Exploring Animal Behavior in Laboratory and Field

The problem with adopting it as a lab book for students is that there are over 30 labs presented here. As many are multi week projects, the most that could reasonably be done in a semester is 7-10 labs. Anyone who has taught students knows that having them purchase a book for which they will only use 1/4 or 1/3 of the chapters is only inviting a tremendous amount of griping. This is my only complaint with this book, which the publisher was pushing as a lab manual for students, instead of a resource for instructors.
In addition to the demonstrations, the workshop also included handouts f further exercises that Ken Yasukawa had been collecting over the years from ABS members. The workshop was so successful, and demand for lab handouts was so high, that we decided to develop a laboratory manual of favorite animal behavior labs by ABS members. The result is this book, Exploring Animal Behavior in Laboratory and Field, and its companion manual for instructors, Teaching Animal Behavior in Laboratory and Field, both of which have both been endorsed by the Animal Behavior Society.
Exploring Animal Behavior in Laboratory and Field includes exercises that were demonstrated at the 1994 ABS workshop and at a similar education workshop organized by Ted Burk for the 1995 ABS meeting, as well as additional exercises developed and tested by ABS members in their class-rooms. All labs have been peer-reviewed by ABS members. Some of the exercises in this manual may seem familiar to instructors because they are based on “classics” that have been used successfully in animal behavior courses for decades, while being modified and updated with new theoretical and methodological advances.
Other exercises in this manual are completely new. The topics covered include descriptive ethology, causation and development of behavior, and behavioral ecology. Both field and laboratory exercises are included on a broad variety of taxonomic groups: arthropods, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, including humans. Exercises illustrate issues of current theoretical importance and up-to-date methods used by biologists, psychologists, and anthropologists who study animal behavior.
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