Farmed Animals on Film: A Manifesto for a New Ethic


Farmed Animals on Film: A Manifesto for a New Ethic

By Stephen Marcus Finn, Published: 2023, FileType: PDF

Farmed Animals on Film A Manifesto for a New Ethic

This book aims to show how film can increase awareness of the plight of farmed animals without exploiting them.  Much has been written on the rights of animals, be they in the wild or circuses, hunted, experimented on, used for entertainment, or slaughtered and consumed. However, there has been little that has examined in any detail the filming of farmed animals, and nothing on a declaration of rights for such animals, thus leaving them in a limbo of neglect. Stephen Marcus Finn offers a manifesto on how to foster the rights of farmed animals in filming and sets out to rectify this lacuna.

It was when I was watching the film I mentioned at the start of this Preface, Apocalypse now, based on Joseph Conrad’s Heart of darkness, a university prescribed book I’d ploughed through thrice, detesting it more each time. I went to see the film because of good reviews. The highlight for me was when the main character, played by Marlon Brando, was being slashed to death, as I realized that it meant it must be near the end of the film. But the scenes were interspersed with horrific ones of a water buffalo also being hacked to death. As I saw the ribs appear, I said aloud to myself: “I can never eat meat again.”

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