Fundamentals of Animal Nutrition 1st Edition


Fundamentals of Animal Nutrition 1st Edition

by Subodh Kumar Saha, Nitya Nand Pathak, Published: May 2021, FileType: PDF

Fundamentals Of Animal Nutrition 1st Edition

The book provides comprehensive information about the different aspects of veterinary nutrition in tropical countries. The introductory chapter discuss the importance of nutrition, feeds and feeding of balanced and optimum feeds specifically required for the sustenance of life. The second chapter, discusses briefly the history of  research in animal nutrition. The book further talks about the relationship between the environment and nutrition in animals; the chemical composition of plants and animals; and the various sources of feed for animals. It provides details on the different phases of life cycle in animals, and the effect of nutrition on the performance. Various Nutrients and its importance in livestock nutrition and production has been illustrated in details. Various nutrients such as water, carbohydrate, protein, fats,  vitamins, minerals etc are individually dealt in a separate chapter. The digestive system, digestion and metabolism of carbohydrates, protein and fats in ruminant and non ruminant livestock have been illustrated. A dedicated chapter fully describes the activity of enzymes which are directly involved in nutrition. Also this book deals with the harmful components of animal feed which are found mainly in the unconventional feeds. The books also provide chapters like partitioning of feed& energy and also the therapeutic and clinical nutrition which are very important for the under graduate & post graduate students and researchers of animal nutrition and livestock production and management.

This book is useful for researchers, undergraduate and post graduate students studying veterinary sciences, animal husbandry, zoology and biochemistry. Enzymes in Farm Animal Nutrition 2nd Edition

Nutrition of animals is vital for livestock production and the sustenance of good and sound health. This is not only a mere science but is an art. The nutrition is the basic need of raw materials in a definite quantity for the optimum and potential production of any biological products and biological synthesis of all the physiological processes. Any deviation from optimum quality of the raw materials causes pathological problems in animals. This book integrates the information about basic needs concerning the nature of nutrients and their digestion, assimilation, and metabolism. The book establishes a basis for selecting foods and compounding diets and ration adequate for the nourishment of man and livestock under specified age, stage of production and reproduction, environments, and conditions.

The subject of nutrition is concerned with the nature of foods and nutrients. It is imperative to know the nutritional characteristics of food. We have to know the biological system, too, for its operation as a metabolic machine. Plants are also biological machines built with the same chemicals as animals. For sustenance of the livestock life, it entirely depends on the foods of plants and animals. Therefore, it is sure that the same general scheme is helpful to describe both the animals and their foods. The anatomy, i.e., the physical structure of the animals, is also a factor in its nutrition, and to know some of the events, there is a need to know the mechanical structure of the body. To maintain the physical system, we highly depend on the nutritional requirements. So nutrients are needed not only for livestock production and energy supply but also to maintain its physical integrity and structural sustenance.

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