Handbook of Canine and Feline Emergency Protocols, 2nd Edition offers practical step-by-step guidance to managing emergency cases in small animal practice.
Handbook of Canine and Feline Emergency Protocols 2nd Edition

Presenting more than 165 complete protocols for triaging, stabilizing, and managing emergent patients, the book is designed for fast access in an emergency situation, with a spiral binding and tabs to make it easy to flip to the relevant section. An ideal resource for veterinary practitioners seeking a quick reference for dog and cat emergencies, this Second Edition provides enhanced imaging information to increase the book’s diagnostic usefulness and full updates throughout.
The purpose of this handbook is to provide the practicing emergency veterinarian with rapid access to brief, but complete, protocols on the most common dog and cat emergencies encountered in veterinary practice. We have updated this edition with the most recent clinically relevant information. This edition also has the benefit of many images (radiographs, ultrasound images, ECG strips, etc.), as well as an online quick guide.
This book is meant to be a set of “starter” protocols that will be expanded, altered, and personalized depending on the preferences, case load, and availability of the practice using them. There are numerous accepted ways to treat most emergencies, and we encourage you to optimize these protocols to be of maximum value for your practice.
Emergency medicine can be overwhelming! The protocols here provide a set of clear, concise guidelines to streamline this as much as possible. This book is set up in sections in alphabetical order. Each disease entity within a section is also alphabetized. Although the authors have taken great care to ensure the information in this text is accurate, the reader is strongly advised to confirm the information, especially with regard to drug dosages, is correct and conforms to the current standard of practice.
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