Handbook of Equine Anaesthesia 2nd Edition


Handbook of Equine Anaesthesia 2nd Edition PDF. Smooth and successful equine anaesthesia remains a significant challenge for all those who have to anaesthetise horses – we have had our disasters and near-misses too!

Handbook of Equine Anaesthesia 2nd Edition PDF

Handbook Of Equine Anaesthesia 2nd Edition PDF Download

This book is intended for all those who anaesthetise horses; both for those working in a busy surgical clinic as well as for those who do a few procedures per year ‘in the field’. The last decade or two has seen considerable progress in our understanding of how the horse responds to anaesthesia. As a result, new techniques, new drugs and new ways of using old drugs have all been employed to allow safer, more controllable anaesthesia in this species. In turn, this has enabled more complex surgery to be undertaken.

We hope that this book will provide a ready reference to state-of-the-art equine anaesthesia. This should enable more horses to benefit from worldwide expertise, experience and advances in this exciting and challenging discipline.

In spite of all the progress with innovative drugs and new methods, the saying ‘there are no safe anaesthetics, only safe anaesthetists’ remains as true as ever. We hope this book will help produce a few more safe anaesthetists.

The second edition of this handbook has the same intention as the first: to be a real handbook of practical use at the horse’s side. We have included new developments in the field, reflecting worldwide expertise and experience. In particular we have included a new chapter on analgesia; probably the most rapidly growing and changing aspect of equine anaesthesia.

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