Handbook of Veterinary Nursing 2nd Edition


Handbook of Veterinary Nursing 2nd Edition

by Orpet, Year 2010, File Type: PDF

Handbook Of Veterinary Nursing 2nd Edition

The Handbook of Veterinary Nursing 2nd Edition is intended to continue the aim that we set out to achieve with the first book: primarily to provide the veterinary nurse with a quick reference point for many of the nursing procedures he or she may come across in the clinical situation. We have updated chapters from the first edition and, most notably, added an entirely new chapter in Section 1 in response to the changes to the practice of veterinary nursing over the past decade. Get Free: Nursing the Feline Patient

In the 9 years since writing the first edition, a lot has happened not only in our personal and professional lives, but more specifically to veterinary nursing which has made writing this edition more of a challenge. The ‘ professionalisation ’ of our vocation has driven adjustments in legislation, introduced a register of veterinary nurses and been responsible for the way veterinary nurses now learn their trade.

Changes are happening so rapidly at the moment, that by the time of publication of this book, it is likely that significant developments will have taken place that will have an impact on how veterinary nurses practise. A prime example of this is the proposed disciplinary scheme for veterinary nurses which may well already be implemented.

In writing this edition, we have tried to address these issues and provide readers with a practical and straightforward guide which they can use to continue to develop their clinical practice.

Now more than ever, veterinary nurses are having to respond to the changing culture of veterinary nursing. Their day – to – day practice is undoubtedly changing; the general public ’ s demand for transparent and high – level veterinary care is leading to increased responsibilities and scope for veterinary nurses and thus the need for veterinary nurses to clarify their role and rationalise the care they give their patients.

This book is intended to be a guide to quality care and skills. However, none of the procedures should be carried out without appropriate instruction first and then only under the direction of a veterinary surgeon. Veterinary nurses must be familiar with and work within the RCVS Guide to Professional Conduct and keep up to date with the ongoing amendments and reviews to the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966, Schedule 3 which allows non veterinary surgeons to undertake certain acts of veterinary surgery.

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