Handbook of Wildlife Chemical Immobilization 6th Edition


Handbook of Wildlife Chemical Immobilization 6th Edition

by Terry Kreeger, Jon Arnemo, Nigel Caulkett, Jordan Hampton, Leith Meyer

Handbook of Wildlife Chemical Immobilization 6th Edition

This is Handbook of Wildlife Chemical Immobilization 6th Edition PDF. The Handbook is used worldwide and because of this international distribution, we welcome the addition of three new authors: Drs. Nigel Caulkett of Canada, Jordan Hampton of Australia, and Leith Meyer of South Africa. These highly experienced and well-published (all of us representing 193 references in the Handbook) individuals will add their regional knowledge and insights to this and future editions.

This handbook is intended to provide wildlife biologists, wildlife and zoo veterinarians, game ranchers, animal control staff, emergency response personnel, and students with a portable reference for the chemical capture of wild animals. The primary value of its size and format is to act as a rapid reference source for those faced with the challenge of chemically capturing a wild, and often uncooperative, animal. Its format is intentionally brief, serving to highlight, rather than detail, the salient aspects of each section. Those desiring a more in-depth discussion should seek out the relevant literature offered. Despite the emphasis on brevity, it behooves the novice to be familiar with everything covered in this text.

Note: Internet links to several instructional videos demonstrating wildlife immobilization and equipment operation have been added to the 6th edition.

The Drug Doses section is designed to rapidly locate the species of interest and select an appropriate immobilizing regime. We have compiled and analyzed drug doses from published reports or private records and then made a single recommendation for a given species based on our, and others’, experience with the drug and species. Other drug choices and appropriate references are also included should you not agree with, or not have available, the recommended drug(s). The primary recommendation does not necessarily mean that the chosen drug(s) is always the best choice under all circumstances. Experience with the various drugs will eventually allow you to make informed choices on your own.

In the Equipment Used for Animal Capture section, we were not reluctant to point out deficiencies or praise performance. Such praise, however, does not convey endorsement of the product.

Also included are sections on Animal and Human Medical Treatment. Again, these are intended to serve as quick reference sources to recognize and treat the most common emergency conditions encountered in the field, but not as a definitive treatise on emergency medicine.

As always, we would appreciate any comments or criticisms of this handbook. This book was written for you, to make you a better wildlife professional. If it succeeds, then we have done our jobs.

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