Large Animal Internal Medicine 5th Edition is an encyclopedic volume for the veterinary student or large animal veterinarian working with horses, cattle, sheep, or goats.
Large Animal Internal Medicine PDF

Using the same popular format as the fourth edition, this edition provides the most current information available by utilizing more than 242 experts as authors. This edition contains additional pages of new color plates and more than 1210 figures, boxes, tables, color plates, and radiograph, ultrasound, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance images.
A new section on ultrasound of the equine abdomen has been added. Many sections have been strengthened by the addition of outstanding new authors and new subjects, and chapters have been revised and improved with new references cited. Important new information regarding animal welfare is now included in Chapters 1 and 2.
New genetic tests, which are rapidly developing, are described in Chapters 51 and 52. Many websites were important up-to-date information can be found are cited in this edition.
Since the last edition, rinderpest has been officially eradicated worldwide, the first disease of veterinary importance to achieve this milestone!
Part Five is organized according to body system and includes internal medicine approaches. Diagnostic tests used in each system are delineated, including ultrasound (greatly expanded), endoscopy, radiography, thermography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, sample collection techniques, electrocardiography, cerebrospinal fluid collection, and biopsy of organs.
Numerous illustrations include photographs, ultrasound images, radiographs, electrocardiogram tracings, and endoscopic views. These chapters are written by experts in the field of large animal internal medicine and give details of the most up-to-date treatments available. Large Animal Internal Medicine complements existing texts dealing with current therapy.
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