Manual of Equine Anesthesia and Analgesia


As in all areas of veterinary practice, manual of equine anesthesia and analgesia have progressed rapidly over the last two decades with the introduction of new drugs, user-friendly monitoring devices and new methods of using drugs.

Manual of Equine Anesthesia and Analgesia

Manual Of Equine Anesthesia And Analgesia

Important knowledge has also been gained in identifying the risk factors for equine anesthesia. There is a growing awareness of the impact of anesthesia and analgesia on the surgical outcome, and a realization that equine anesthesia is not just a technical procedure aimed at producing immobilization for the sake of operator comfort.

This handbook is intended to be a useful clinical guide. The layout has been planned so that the information will be easily accessible, and an attempt has been made to impose some order on the confusion of facts which confront students and clinicians. We hope that we have achieved that goal. Drugs such as chloroform and chloral hydrate, which are rarely used now-a days, have been omitted.

Undoubtedly, not everyone will agree with all the descriptions of how to perform clinical anesthesia as we each have our own preferences. For instance, some readers will not feel comfortable with the multimodal drug approach to general anesthesia. We have emphasized techniques which have, over the years, been found to be effective for the authors. However, we realize that there are other acceptable methods.

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