Mosby’s Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests 6th Edition
by Kathleen Pagana, Timothy Pagana October 2017

Writing care plans, understanding and performing tests, and interpreting test results is made easier with Mosby’s Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests 6th Edition. This essential resource provides clear, concise overage of over 700 of the most commonly performed diagnostic and laboratory tests.
Valuable in academic and clinical settings alike, it is beloved for its full-color design, user-friendly organization, and illustrations that help clarify keep concepts. Updated and streamlined content with new tests ensures you have the most relevant information. A new Diagnostic Testing for the Most Common Diseases section highlights the integration of medical testing as it relates to the top diseases or clinical syndromes.
- Tests are presented comprehensively and consistently, in a sequence that best simulates priorities in clinical practice.
- UNIQUE! Clinical Priorities boxes emphasize priorities and procedure considerations specific to understanding and performing tests.
- UNIQUE! Test Results and Clinical Significance sections describe the significance of the test findings and discuss the pathophysiology of the disease process and how it relates to the test result.
- UNIQUE! Home Care Responsibilities boxes focus on post-test factors for consideration.
- UNIQUE! Related Tests sections list additional tests related to the main test ― including tests that provide similar information, confirmatory information, and other tests used to evaluate the same organ, disease process, or symptom complex.
- UNIQUE! Critical Values sections indicate test values of particular significance.
- UNIQUE! Icons indicate drugs that increase or decrease test values and patient teaching priorities.
- Age-Related Concerns boxes address pediatric and geriatric priorities.
- NEW and UPDATED! New tests have been added and outdated tests have been removed to reflect current best practices.
- NEW! A Diagnostic Testing for the Most Common Diseases section highlights the integration of medical testing as it relates to the top diseases or clinical syndromes.
This book provides the user with an up-to-date, extensive manual that allows rapid access to clinically relevant laboratory and diagnostic tests. A unique feature of this manual is its consistent format, which provides a comprehensive approach to laboratory and diagnostic tests.
Tests are categorized according to either the method of testing (eg, x-ray, ultrasound, nuclear scan) or the type of specimen (eg, blood, urine, stool) used for testing. Every chapter of this book is based on this categorization. Each chapter begins with an alphabetical listing of all tests in the chapter to aid the user in locating discussions quickly. An over-view follows the list and contains general information concerning test methods and related patient care.
Throughout the book Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests 6th Edition, information is explained in a comprehensive manner to enhance full under-standing of each particular test. Every feature of test discussion is geared to provide complete information in a sequence that best simulates priorities in clinical practice. Password:
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