Natural Remedies For Dogs And Cats, It is becoming evident that a well-balanced natural diet and the right herbs can prevent and treat a wide variety of health problems in dogs, cats, and other pets.
Natural Remedies For Dogs And Cats
To that end, people are increasingly seeking out alternative therapies to improve and enhance the lives of their animal companions. This indispensable handbook, written by an expert in natural pet care and featuring advice from some of America’s leading holistic veterinarians and herbalists, shows how a combination of proven formulas, simple techniques, easy-to-follow recipes, important safety information, clear instructions, and helpful resources can be used to manage such health problems as cancer, arthritis, and parasites. These natural therapies can also improve the animal’s stamina, stabilize their personality and disposition, and be of use for: — Improved digestion and the assimilation of nutrients– Healthy skin and a glossy coat– The prevention of fleas, ticks, and internal parasites– Strong teeth and bones, sweet breath, and healthy gums.
In our age of modern medicine, when illnesses are treated in high tech hospitals with laser surgery and powerful prescription drugs, it is easy to forget that until the twentieth century, herbs and food were the medicines that kept people and their companion animals well. Most of the prescription drugs in use today are derived and synthesized from plants, and in most parts of the world, plants are still the primary healing agents.
The surgical techniques and pharmaceutical drugs that define Western medicine work well in acute or crisis conditions, but they are far less successful in the treatment of chronic illnesses. Western medicine, as practiced by physicians and veterinarians, is allopathic, which means that its focus is on the alleviation or suppression of physical symptoms, not on the treatment of the causes of these symptoms. Chronic conditions such as arthritis, skin and coat problems, gingivitis, ear infections, asthma, and allergies may improve temporarily when their symptoms are masked, but they usually recur and, over time, grow worse. For this reason, conventional or orthodox medicine considers these conditions irreversible and incurable. In addition, the drugs and surgery used to treat them carry adverse side effects that range from minor to fatal.
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