Nutritional and Physiological Functions of Amino Acids in Pigs


Nutritional and Physiological Functions of Amino Acids in Pigs

By Kang Yao, Zhihong Sun, Zikui Liu, Published: 2013, FileType: PDF

Nutritional and Physiological Functions of Amino Acids in Pigs

This book provides developmental data regarding piglets (with a focus on the gastrointestinal tract), data related to amino acid metabolism in pigs, data related to nutritional and physiological functions of amino acids in pigs, nutritional requirements for amino acids in pigs, signaling roles of amino acids, methodological aspects in amino acid research and the pig model for studying amino acid-related human diseases. Physiology of Domestic Animals, 3rd Edition

Feeding intolerance and necrotizing enterocolitis are all two commonly encountered problems in neonatal animal that result in significant mortality and morbidity and significant costs of care. The extent to which gastrointestinal tract (GIT) dysfunction occurs in neonatal animal is related to the increased incidence of clinical complications such as feeding intolerance, poor growth, necrotizing entero-colitis, malabsorption syndromes, and diarrhea.

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