This text is the result of the combined efforts of members of the NVMS: Large Animal Internal Medicine Service of the Department of Health Management at the Atlantic Veterinary College.
NVMS: Large Animal Internal Medicine

We believe that students of veterinary medicine, those completing their veterinary training and preparing for licensing examinations, and those who wish to upgrade their knowledge base in large animal clinical veterinary medicine will find this book useful.
To assist readers in exam preparation and to provide a means of assessing one’s knowledge of the presented material, the authors have provided study questions at the end of each chapter. In addition, a comprehensive examination containing questions similar to those found on the national board examination is included at the end of the book. Every question is followed by a complete, detailed explanation. We hope this method of review tests the general knowledge of the reader, helps serve as a stimulus to self-directed study, and serves as a useful for preparing for college tests, national board examinations, and clinical veterinary practice.
Authors have aimed to provide an overview of the diseases of clinical and economic importance in the major species of domesticated animals in North America. To maintain the book at a reasonable size, we have elected to exclude coverage of exotic species and specialized disciplines. We invite the reader to consult the many other high-quality texts that are available to find information pertaining to these more specialized topics.
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