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Lumpy skin disease viral disease of bovines

Lumpy skin disease viral disease of bovines


Lumpy skin disease viral disease of bovines Lumpy skin disease is an irresistible, eruptive, periodically lethal illness of cows portrayed by nodules on the skin and different parts of the body. Secondary bacterial contamination regularly disturbs the condition. Generally, Lumpy skin disease is found in southern and ...

African horse sickness, viral disease of horses

African horse sickness, viral disease of horses


African horse sickness, viral disease of horses African Horse Sickness (AHS) is a profoundly irresistible highly infectious, vector conceived viral ailment influencing all types of Equidae. It is named an Orbivirus of family Reoviridae, of which there are 9 serotypes. All serotypes are conveyed all through Africa, ...

Britain’s most popular dog breed

Britain’s most popular dog breed


Britain’s most popular dog breed The French bull dog is going to wind up distinctly the top breed in Britain, surpassing the exaggerated labrador, cocker and springer spaniel, and German shepherd. Be that as it may, for me, there will just ever be one top dog.The French bull dog is a dear seemingly insignificant ...

SWAMP fever in Horses (Viral disease)

SWAMP fever in Horses (Viral disease)


SWAMP FEVER: Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA), otherwise called SWAMP fever is a horse sickness brought about by a retrovirus and transmitted by bloodsucking creepy crawlies.timeincukvirus is mechanically transmitted starting with one horse then onto the next by the bloodsucking  flies, Tabanus, Stomoxys spp., ...

Balanced Concentrate Mixture for Dairy animals in Pakistan

Balanced Concentrate Mixture for Dairy animals in Pakistan


Balanced Concentrate Mixture for Dairy animals in Pakistan olxAn adjusted mixture is typically arranged in such a way, to the point that 3.5 to 4 Kg of it might bolster 10 liters of milk creation. Ordinarily in dairy animals concentrate is fed at rate of ½ of the milk yield. one Kg of  blend for each two liters ...

Dystocia due to fetal hydrocephalus and its management in a mare

Dystocia due to fetal hydrocephalus and its management in a mare


 Dystocia due to fetal hydrocephalus and its management in a mare Blogspot  What Is fetal Hydrocephalus?Hydrocephalus is a condition that happens when liquid develops in the skull and causes the skull to swell. The name signifies "water on the Brain." Brain harm can happen therefore of the liquid ...

Dog sitting dystocia in Mare

Dog sitting dystocia in Mare


Dog sitting Dystocia in Mare  slidesharecdnDog sitting dystocia is very exceptional case.The foal that is situated in a Dog sitting stance is probably not going to survive.In this circumstance, the foal is situated likewise to the way a puppy sits.The toes of his rear legs approaching rather than his pawns ...

Ruptured uterus: Foaling Problem in Mare

Ruptured uterus: Foaling Problem in Mare


Ruptured uterus: Foaling Problem in Mare Ruptured Uterus: photobucketUterine rupture amid pregnancy is an uncommon occasion and as often as possible outcomes in life-threatening maternal and fetal off. It can either happen in mare with (1) a local, unscarred uterus or (2) an uterus with a surgical scar from ...

Veterinary Discussions