Pain Management in Veterinary Practice PDF. New analgesics and new formulations of old analgesics are constantly being introduced to the veterinary market, yet the ability to recognize and quantify pain in veterinary species remains a challenge.
Pain Management in Veterinary Practice PDF

Pain assessment and scoring systems are being validated in many veterinary species, but clinically relevant, objective methods of assessment of all types of pain in all species remain elusive. Ultimately, it is left to the caregiver to decide if analgesic therapy is indicated, and this requires empathy and logic. The purpose of this book is to provide the reader with easily accessible, evidence-based information to aid in the recognition and treatment of pain in veterinary species.
Section I begins with an introductory chapter discussing welfare issues associated with pain and its management in veterinary species. The chapters that follow provide a review of the current understanding of the physiology and pathophysiology of acute pain, chronic pain, and cancer pain.
Section II provides extensive information about the pharmacology of opioids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, alpha-2 adrenoreceptor agonists, local anesthetics, and non-traditional analgesics (e.g., anti-epileptic drugs, NMDA receptor antagonists, and nutritional supplements). Novel methods of drug delivery and the pharmacokinetics of continuous rate infusions are also discussed.
The non-pharmacological management of pain, including physical therapy, orthotics and prosthetics, myofascial trigger point therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, herbal therapy, and homeopathy are discussed in Section III. These chapters are not intended to provide expert training in these areas. They are meant to provide a basic explanation of some techniques that can be easily incorporated into daily practice and to discuss scientific evidence, or lack thereof, supporting these modalities.
The recognition and treatment of acute and chronic pain in dogs, cats, small exotic mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, camelids, ruminants, pigs, and horses is discussed in Section IV. Chapters on the treatment of cancer pain and the recognition and treatment of pain in intensive care patients are also included. The chapters in this section discuss pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies for use in each species to provide a balanced pain management protocol. Much of the information from these chapters is summarized in tables to allow easy access to information.
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