Pet Owner Educational Atlas – Parasites, Diagnosis, Control And Prevention


Pet Owner Educational Atlas – Parasites, Diagnosis, Control And Prevention. The objective of this informative book is to help veterinary surgeons provide pet owners with simple explanations about different aspects of the diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and zoonotic risk of the main parasites of dogs and cats.

Pet Owner Educational Atlas – Parasites, Diagnosis, Control And Prevention

Pet Owner Educational Atlas Parasites, Diagnosis, Control And Prevention

Given the growing popularity of exotic pets, we also felt that it was important to provide veterinary surgeons with the necessary tools to answer basic questions related to their care. We have placed a particular emphasis on the parasites that most commonly affect these animals, as well as those that can also potentially affect humans.

The text in this educational atlas for pet owners is complemented by illustrations. These are designed to facilitate communication between the veterinary surgeon and the pet owner, and to help explain key concepts and ideas about the world of parasitic diseases and the importance of parasites in animal health.

We have sought to provide straightforward answers to the issues of greatest interest to pet owners, such as preventive care of pets and the relationship between the pet itself, parasites, and humans.

Finally, we wish to note the excellent work done by the illustrators (Jacob Gragera and Paula Marco) and editors (Leticia Escuin and Marta Borobia) who helped to shape this book. We hope that the reader will find the content of interest and that this book serves as a useful support tool for veterinary surgeons in their daily clinical practice.

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Book Name: Pet Owner Educational Atlas
File Size: 26.2 MB
File Format: PDF
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