Poultry Health, A Guide for Professionals


Poultry Health, A Guide for Professionals

by Paul Barrow, Venugopal Nair, Susan Baigent, Robert Atterbury, Michael Clark, Published: 2021, FileType: PDF

Poultry Health, A Guide For Professionals

Poultry are a major source of valuable high-quality protein for much of the world’s population, so food security is heavily dependent on maintaining poultry health. They are also increasingly important specialist hobby animals as backyard flocks. Despite this, veterinarians specializing in the care and health of these important domestic animals are few and far between, and many vets in small animal practice have little real experience of poultry health management and disease. Providing a comprehensive overview, this new handbook plugs that gap with 46 chapters of practical and accessible poultry health and management.

The book:

  • Covers the poultry industry, basic avian biology, infectious and non-infectious diseases and their agents, infection control, and disease investigation and legislation
  • Includes full color images for ease of identification and diagnosis, in addition to practical guides to disease prevention
  • Considers areas of increasing global importance, such as antimicrobial resistance.

Written by international experts, this book forms a valuable illustrated resource for veterinary professionals, veterinary students, or those entering the poultry industry. Poultry Diseases Influenced by Gastrointestinal Health: Traditional Treatments and Innovative Solutions

Infection is both a pathological and an evolutionary process which are staple topics for study by poultry veterinarians and researchers, but these processes also ensure that infectious disease problems continue to evolve. This may take the form of natural microbial evolution as occurs with RNA viruses, leading to the appearance of new infectious bronchitis virus strains and avian influenza virus types, or may be expressed as increasing virulence as seen with Marek’s disease virus in response to vaccinated hosts. Similarly, widespread use of chemotherapeutic agents to control parasitic and bacterial infections has resulted in extensive resistance, such as that observed in coccidiosis, resulting in the need to manipulate treatment programmes.

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