Principles of Animal Nutrition 2018 PDF Book consists of 13 chapters. This book begins with an overview of the physiological and biochemical bases of animal nutrition: –
Principles of Animal Nutrition 2018 PDF Book

Animals are biological transformers of dietary matter and energy into high-quality foods (e.g., meats, eggs, and milk) for human consumption, as well as raw materials (e.g., wool and leather) for clothing and accessories for humans. Through biotechnological techniques, animals are also employed to produce enzymes and proteins to treat a wide array of human diseases.
Mammals, birds, fish, and shrimp possess both common and divergent metabolic pathways for their maintenance and adaptations, but all of them need food to survive, grow, develop, and reproduce. Thus, animal nutrition is a foundational subject of great importance to the production of livestock (e.g., cattle, goats, pigs, rabbits, and sheep), poultry (e.g., chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys), and fish (e.g., common carp, largemouth bass, salmon, and tilapia), as well as the health and well-being of companion animals (e.g., cats, dogs, ferrets, gerbils, horses, and parrots).
As an interesting, dynamic, and challenging discipline in biological sciences, animal nutrition spans an immense range of topics, from chemistry, biochemistry, anatomy, and physiology to reproductive biology, immunology, pathology, and cell biology. Knowledge of these subjects is necessary for an adequate understanding of the principles of animal nutrition.
(Chapter 1), which is followed by a detailed description of chemical properties of carbohydrates
(Chapter 2), lipids
(Chapter 3), Protein/amino acids
(Chapter 4). The text then advances to the current understanding of the digestion, absorption, transport, and metabolism of carbohydrates
(Chapter 5), lipids
(Chapter 6), protein/amino acids
(Chapter 7), energy
(Chapter 8), vitamins
(Chapter 9), and minerals
(Chapter 10) in animals, as well as interactions among nutrients
(Chapters 5 through 10). To integrate the basic knowledge of nutrition with practical animal feeding, the monograph continues with a discussion on nutritional requirements of animals for maintenance and production
(Chapter 11), as well as the regulation of food intake by animals
(Chapter 12). Finally, this book ends with information on feed additives, including those used to enhance animal growth and survival, improve feed efficiency for protein production, and replace feed antibiotics.
While the classical and modern concepts of animal nutrition are emphasized throughout this book, every effort has been made to include the most recent progress in this ever-expanding field so that readers in various biological disciplines can integrate biochemistry and physiology with nutrition, health, and disease in mammals, birds…
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