Respiratory Diseases of the horse : A Problem-oriented Approach to Diagnosis and Management
Respiratory Diseases of the horse : A Problem-oriented Approach to Diagnosis and Management. This Book is the result of the career-long interests of the two authors in diseases of the equine respiratory tract, from both medical (LC) and surgical (JH) perspectives.
Respiratory Diseases of the horse : A Problem-oriented Approach to Diagnosis and Management

The equine respiratory tract presents unique questions and challenges that equine practitioners struggle with daily. For example: Where is the abnormal breathing sound coming from? Why does this horse have a nasal discharge?
Why is this horse not performing up to expectations?
This book attempts to provide a framework to help equine practitioners systematically evaluate, diagnose, and treat the most common (and some not so common) disorders of the equine respiratory tract. It is organized in a way that emulates the approach that a clinician would use to assess a horse with a suspected respiratory abnormality. Hence, the book starts with a detailed description of anatomic features and pulmonary function, followed by an in-depth discussion of clinical examination methods and the use of appropriate diagnostic tests to help arrive at a clinical diagnosis.
A novel modus operandi taken by the authors is the use of a problem-oriented approach to the diagnosis of equine respiratory diseases. With this in mind, there are chapters dedicated to the evaluation of a horse presenting with a complaint of coughing, nasal discharge, increased respiratory effort, abnormal respiratory noise, or congenital respiratory abnormalities. Each starts by discussing the pathophysiology of a particular respiratory disease manifestation and then suggests an approach to reaching a diagnosis. Once a presumptive diagnosis is obtained, the reader can refer to the comprehensive discussion of each particular respiratory disease, including medical and/or surgical therapy.
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