Saunders Equine Formulary 2nd Edition. The Saunders Equine Formulary has become a standard “must have in the car” book for equine practitioners and those who only see a few horses from time to time.
Saunders Equine Formulary 2nd Edition

Its distribution has been world-wide and we hope that it will continue to prove to be a useful aid to high-quality equine practice internationally. We have maintained its handy nature and its concise format so that information is readily available and usable advice and support can be easily accessed.
I am particularly pleased to welcome Fernando Malalana to the co-authorship of the Second Edition. I hope that he will be able to carry the baton of this little book into the future. I am also very grateful to him for undertaking the update so enthusiastically and so thoroughly.
Inevitably in the modern world, new drugs have come onto the market and others have disappeared from production and we have tried to update this aspect of the book in particular. The process of out dating and new drugs will mean that gradually there will be changes—the reader is encouraged to deface the book by deleting things that disappear and writing in new information! The book is there to be used and it’s best when it is dirty and worn out! Of course, we recognize that many drugs used in equine practice have no licence for equine use because there is no commercial logic in seeking a licence for a minority species. It therefore becomes even more important that their use is fully understood and that they are used correctly.
We have also updated the diagnostic tests and procedures sections and the various appendices which have proven so useful over the life of the First Edition.
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