Saunders Solutions in Veterinary Practice Small Animal Dentistry
by Cecilia Gorrel, Year: May 2008, FileType: PDF

Saunders Solutions in Veterinary Practice series is a new range of veterinary textbooks which will grow into a mini library over the next few years, covering all the main disciplines of companion animal practice.
Readers should realize that it is not the authors’ intention to cover all that is known about each topic. As such the books in the Solutions Series are not standard reference works. Instead, they are intended to provide practical information on the more frequently encountered conditions in an easily accessible form based on real-life case studies. They cover that range of cases that fall between the boringly routine and the referral.
The books Saunders Solutions in Veterinary Practice Small Animal Dentistry will help practitioners with a particular interest in a topic or those preparing for a specialist qualification. The cases are arranged by presenting sign rather than by the underlying pathology, as this is how veterinary surgeons will see them in practice.
Each case also includes descriptions of underlying pathology and details of the nursing required, both in the veterinary clinic and at home. It is hoped that the books will also, therefore, be of interest to veterinary students in the later parts of their course and to veterinary nurses. Download More: Saunders Solutions in Veterinary Practice: Small Animal Neurology PDF Download
Continuing professional development (CPD) is mandatory for many veterinarians and a recommended practice for others. The Saunders Series will provide a CPD resource which can be accessed economically, shared with colleagues and used anywhere. They will also provide busy veterinary practitioners with quick access to authoritative information on the diagnosis and treatment of interesting and challenging cases. The robust cover has been made resistant to some of the more gruesome contaminants found in a veterinary clinic because this is where we hope these books will be used.
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