Small Animal Imaging Self-Assessment Review PDF


Small Animal Imaging Self-Assessment Review PDF. This book was conceived as a way of providing students of small animal veterinary medicine a practical ‘pocket book’ of common diseases that may manifest as abnormalities on a radiographic examination.

Small Animal Imaging Self-Assessment Review PDF

Small Animal Imaging Self Assessment Review PDF

The book is in no way intended to be a textbook of radiographic imaging, as there are a number of fine examples already available. By contrast, the book is arranged as a series of case studies through which students may test their diagnostic radiology skills.

The book is divided into three basic sections: thorax, abdomen, and musculoskeletal. The cases are presented as unknowns, with a separate answer section. Each case is presented to the reader as an unknown. A brief signalment and history is given, identical to what was provided when the case was first seen. The radiographic views provided are identified. We ask for radiographic findings followed by a radiographic diagnosis, and in some cases ask if any additional views or studies may be of further value.

Radiographic findings are simply a narrative or list of the abnormalities identified. Sometimes it seems prudent to mention normal findings as well. Incidental abnormal findings on the radiographs are usually noted (e.g. spondylosis in a case of congestive heart failure or pulmonary metastatic disease), although they may not be clinically significant.

The radiographic diagnosis is derived from the radiographic findings. In some cases, a definitive diagnosis can be made with confidence based on the radiographic findings (e.g. a fracture, osteochondritis dissecans, panosteitis). In other cases, a radiographic diagnosis can be made based on the radiographic abnormalities identified in conjunction with the clinical signs and signalment.

But in many cases, the radiographic diagnosis is only a concise summary of the findings, which then must be followed by a short list of differential diagnoses. It is in these instances that further imaging procedures, blood work, cytology, biopsy, etc. may be necessary to reach a final diagnosis.

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