This new edition retains the successful problem-oriented approach and full color text of the previous edition, along with wide coverage of all aspects of small animal ophthalmology and more than 150 color illustrations.
Small Animal Ophthalmology: A Problem-oriented Approach

When the first edition of Small Animal Ophthalmology: a Problem-Oriented Approach was published in 1989 I would not have foreseen struggling with the Preface to the Fourth Edition almost two decades later. The children have grown and moved away, and a German Shorthair and Redbone Coon Hound have been replaced by a pair of Labrador Retrievers. The cat, I suspect, is reincarnate of his predecessors, and the Pennsylvania winters are a bit longer and colder than those in the South.
I have been fortunate to have Simon Petersen-Jones to share the labor from the second edition onward and both myself and the text have benefited from his diligence and insight. While the world has changed, the scope and intent of the text remain constant – to provide the student or general practitioner with a practical reference that condenses an ever-expanding base of knowledge in small animal ophthalmology into an affordable user-friendly clinical manual that emphasizes problem-solving in dealing with patients that present with ophthalmic signs. This was a novel approach at the time, and the fact that the book has been translated into Japanese, Spanish, and French, and oft mimicked since, speaks to its utility.
As I compare their contributions to those in the first edition I realize that progress is made in small steps; successful management of canine glaucoma is still largely an exercise in frustration in spite of new potent drugs and the con-temporary technologies of laser and implants. Treatment of tear film deficiencies still requires long-term management and a motivated and educated pet owner, although the lacrimostimulants have obviated the necessity of parotid duct transposition in many. Technologies and methodologies in imaging, cataract surgery, and retinal detachment repair have remarkably enhanced out-comes for many of our patients. The potential of molecular medicine beckons from a seemingly distant horizon. Practicing ophthalmology during these times has been an adventure and a privilege indeed.
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