Special Veterinary Pathology 3rd Edition By Thomson
By William Carlton, Reginald G. Thomson, M. Donald McGavin, Year 2000, File Type: PDF

The Special Veterinary Pathology 3rd Edition By Thomson has been revised with the same goals in mind that guided the first two editions: to provide the undergraduate student with a textbook comprehensive enough to meet every need in veterinary pathology.
All chapters have been thoroughly updated, but the alimentary, endocrine, nervous, reproductive, and eye and ear chapters have been completely rewritten and the muscle chapter extensively revised. Well over 100 new illustrations have been added to augment text discussions and to achieve greater quality throughout.
This unique, comprehensive text covers systemic pathology of common domestic animals. Organized by body systems, the chapters include alimentary, liver and pancreas, respiratory, cardiovascular, urinary, endocrine, hemopoietic, central nervous system, muscle, skeletal, integumentary, male and female reproductive systems, and eye and ear.
Each chapter begins with a brief review of basic principles of anatomy, structure and function, followed by congenital and functional abnormalities and discussions of viral, bacterial and parasitic infections and neoplasia. Special Veterinary Pathology remains the only veterinary book devoted solely to systemic pathology. Get More: Veterinary Parasitology At a Glance 2nd Revised and Enlarged Edition
- Designed for veterinary students, it follows the curriculum required for special pathology in veterinary courses.
Well-organized, each chapter discusses normal functions of the body system, followed by pathologic conditions found in domestic and companion animals.
- Consistent chapter organization makes it easy for readers to locate information.
More than 900 superb photographs, photomicrographs and line drawings document gross and microscopic conditions.
- While focusing primarily on diseases in North America, the text also includes pathologic conditions found in other parts of the world and those being brought into this country through the importation of various animals.
Contributors are recognized in their chosen area of expertise and well known in research and education.
- Discusses many new viral and bacterial infections.
Provides expanded coverage of zoonotic conditions.
- Completely revised chapters on alimentary, cardiovascular, muscle, and special senses.
Addition of dynamic, new third author: Dr. James Zachary, editor-in-chief of Veterinary Pathology, the journal of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists.