Surgical Patient Care for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses PDF


Surgical Patient Care for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses PDF. Welcome to our book Surgical Patient Care for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses. This book came together to address the needs of veterinary professionals in their daily patient care.

Surgical Patient Care for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses PDF

Surgical Patient Care For Veterinary Technicians And Nurses PDF

Books are available for surgical assisting, surgical techniques, emergency care, anesthesia, and for other similar subjects; however, there are few books for veterinary technicians interested in expanding their knowledge of taking care of patients during the entire perioperative period.

Patient care begins before the animal even enters the hospital. Triaging a condition over the phone provides information to the client and allows for a more efficient use of time and resources upon the patient’s arrival. The art of history taking helps to focus the client on the specific presenting complaint as well as to determine if underlying issues may also be present.

While veterinary technicians do not provide a diagnosis of a patient’s condition, their ability to perform a physical exam is an invaluable resource for the veterinary surgeon. Preoperative testing varies with an individual patient’s needs. Technicians possess the ability and knowledge to carry out most of these tests. Perioperative medications may include non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, narcotics, and other pain medications. Determination of a patient’s needs by the veterinarian, prior to the procedure, helps the technician in providing ultimate care.

Surgical assisting begins the moment a patient is anesthetized. While some practices may have the veterinary technician monitor anesthesia while performing other surgical duties, ideally, enough staff are present to decrease this need for multitasking.(Anesthesia monitoring and care is not covered in this text.)

Aseptic preparation of the patient, surgical suite, equipment and personnel are important responsibilities for technicians. Whether serving as a circulating technician or scrubbing-in to assist in surgery, veterinary technicians play an integral role in the surgical team. A general knowledge of common surgical procedures, the condition being addressed, special equipment needed, and postoperative care gives the technician an edge in preparing the patient and client for surgery.

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